(804) 447-4629

Let’s face it, therapy is a personal journey, but sometimes the people closest to us can play a powerful role in our success. Family involvement in therapy can be a game-changer, offering support, encouragement, and a united front for tackling challenges.

Why is family involvement important?

  • Understanding: Families can learn alongside the patient, gaining a deeper understanding of their struggles and how to offer support.
  • Consistency: Therapy skills practiced at home, with the help of family, can reinforce progress made in sessions.
  • Teamwork: A united front from loved ones strengthens the patient’s resolve and commitment to their goals.

How can families be constructively involved?

  • Attend therapy sessions with the patient, when appropriate. This allows open communication and creates a plan everyone can work towards.
  • Learn about the patient’s goals and how to support them at home. Maybe it’s practicing relaxation techniques or offering positive reinforcement.
  • Communicate openly and honestly with the therapist. Share your observations and concerns to create a well-rounded picture of the patient’s progress.
  • Focus on encouragement and positive reinforcement. Celebrate milestones and offer support on tough days.

Remember, communication and collaboration are key! By working as a team, families can create a supportive environment that fosters healing and growth.

We're Here Whenever You Need Us

(804) 447-4629
Open Hours

Mon - Wed: 10AM - 7PM
Thu - Sat: 08AM - 6PM


4915 Radford Ave #206, Richmond, VA 23230

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